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EURbG is a pan-European partnership between professionals involved in the care of retinoblastoma and families and patients affected by retinoblastoma with a common goal to share and disseminate knowledge and experience within Europe.

There is a shared vision to identify the problems within RB management and develop tools to address them through the creation of a retinoblastoma network. This network aims to crystallize into a formal partnership an extensive group of RB specialists from all major centres into a single structure with genuine European dimension.


The main objectives of the group are to:

Improve the care of patients with retinoblastoma

This will be achieved through shared knowledge and understanding between professionals utilising web-based and mulit-media resources to support clinical decision-making, the development of evidenced-based best practice guidelines which will be disseminated throughout the group, pan-European access to a virtual consultation system for challenging cases

Improve access to specialist retinoblastoma care across Europe

The group will record and update information regarding access to and availability of specialist expertise in the management of retinoblastoma (such as intra-arterial chemotherapy delivery) to facilitate cross-border managment. It is hoped that the EURbG will gain recognition from the European Commission as a expert Reference Network within the wider Paediatric Oncology reference network Expo-R-Net

Improve knowledge and understanding of retinoblastoma

The group aims to support both basic scientific and clinical research studies to enhance knowledge of retinoblastoma disease mechanisms and to determine better diagnostic and therapeutic measures

To provide access to reliable, consistent information

to patients and families affected by retinoblastoma and signpost families to online or face-to-face support groups within their geographical area

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