EURBG | About us
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About us

There are more than 60 international experts and representatives of patients associations dealing with retinoblastoma who contribute to the EURbG. The group consists of:

  • Group Chair
    Petra Ketteler, Germany
  • Group Chair
    Ashwin Reddy, United Kingdom


  • Full Membership

  • Applications for full membership to the group will be considered for professionals (medical doctors, researchers, genetic counsellors, nurses, psychologists, social workers or other professions) within a designated retinoblastoma treatment or research group in an established hospital in the European continent, devoting a significant amount of their activities to retinoblastoma as shown by their publications and number of patients treated. Parental or patient organizations representatives or directors for retinoblastoma in the European continent may be considered for full membership. All full members will have right to vote and to be elected as work package leaders, chairs, vice chair or other positions.

Compile the membership application for EURBG

Voting rights

Voting rights are dependent on attendance at meetings. To be eligible to vote, a full member must have attended at least 2 meetings.

Admission procedures

Requests for membership should be made online through the submission link on this page. After unanimous acceptance from the board, the decision will be submitted for final approval to full members present at the annual meeting. Decisions will be taken by simple majority vote. In case the board would not approve the request, the applicant will be notified and a request for reconsideration may be presented. In this case, if the request is still not approved, the decision will be final. The applicant will be notified within 30 days of the decision.

Membership Fees

Currently, no membership fee is charged although there may be a registration fee for meetings to cover costs.

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