EURBG | Parental Groups
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Parental Groups

The EURb Parental Group is a part of the EURb Group, founded in 2015 in Paris by the French organization Retinostop, the English orgainzation CHECT, the Italian organization AILR and Gemany’s KAKS.

Since then more countries have followed: the Netherlands, Austria and a lot of countries are in the process of building a parental group.

Marie Francois Ray

Marie-Francoise Ray

Erika Leiman

Erika Leiman

Monika Konig2

Monika Konig


We all share the same goals:

We fight for early detection.

We encourage and finance RB research.

We support young families and survivors.

As a group we feel much stronger: we learn from each other, support each other and we have a common voice in Europe and by sharing our expertise, our work is much more sufficient.
We hold conferences with all members on a regular basis and plan EU projects.

If you wish to contact us, you can send us an email to

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